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Free Boiler Service

Free Boiler Service, because the SNC group wants to help people affected by the pandemic. We have decided to offer a free boiler service check to people affected by the coronavirus. It’s been a tough year for all of us, and maybe heating is not a top priority right now, but we know that using hot water can be.

You are going through a tough time, and we know how difficult that can be for some people. That’s why we are offering free boiler services, free boiler checks, and free boiler diagnostics to anyone affected by the pandemic and in need of such services.

For more information on what a boiler service is, visit our Boiler service page. Here you will find out what is a boiler, how to maintain it to keep its life and also what are our recommendations for you.

If you would like to know more about boiler repairs, please visit our Boiler Repairs page.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your central heating or hot water system. We will be happy to help you over the phone or come to your home.

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